Bank Aceh Wins Financial Literacy Award 2024

JAKARTA | ACEH INFO – Bank Aceh won the Financial Literacy Award 2024 category of the Most Active Financial Services Business Actors (PUJK) from the Central Financial Services Authority (OJK).

This award was given because Bank Aceh runs various innovative financial literacy programs that have succeeded in increasing Acehnese awareness of the importance of financial literacy. The award was presented by Airlangga Hartanto as Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, together with Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mahendra Siregar, Chief Executive of the Financial Services Business Conduct Supervisor, Education and Consumer Protection of OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi, and received directly by Plt. Bank Aceh President Director Fadhil Ilyas in Jakarta, August 22, 2024.

Fadhil Ilyas explained that this award was a form of OJK’s appreciation for Bank Aceh’s commitment to actively improving public financial literacy, especially in Bank Aceh’s working areas spread across Aceh, Medan and Jakarta.

This prestigious award was given for a number of initiatives that Bank Aceh has carried out in 2023. Bank Aceh noted that in 2023 it had organized 254 (two hundred and fifty-four) financial education activities in all Bank Aceh Branch Offices.

Bank Aceh Wins Financial Literacy Award 2024

Activities carried out include organizing various financial education and inclusion programs in collaboration with schools “Bank Aceh Goes to School”, SIMPEL Goes To School, Bank Aceh Saving Movement (GEMA). Education is also carried out through Bank Aceh’s official social media, billboards and banners. To optimize the financial literacy program, Bank Aceh also established the Funding field in each Branch Office that manages the financial literacy program.

Fadhil Ilyas expressed his gratitude for this award and emphasized that Bank Aceh will continue to be committed to improving the welfare of the people of Aceh through program activities to educate the public about the importance of financial literacy.

“Bank Aceh will continue to work together with OJK in realizing government programs to improve financial literacy and inclusion massively and evenly throughout Indonesia,” said Fadhil Ilyas.

Numairi, Compliance Director, Teuku Zulfikar, Corporate Secretary, Irna Melinda, Head of Digitalization and Services Division, and Malem Dhiwa, Jakarta Branch Manager attended the event.

New Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road Tariff Increases 12 Percent

PT Hutama Karya as the manager of the Sigli-Banda Aceh (Sibanceh) toll road will impose a new tariff. The tariff adjustment was made after the issuance of the Minister of PUPR Decree No. 1980 / KPTS / M / 2024 on August 9, 2024.

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Executive Vice President (EVP) of the Corporate Secretary of Hutama Karya, Adjib Al Hakim, revealed that the tariff adjustment has been intensively socialized through various online communication channels to outdoor media, such as banners and billboards along the toll road, Hutama Karya also held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which was held Monday, August 19, 2024.

The FGD was also attended by Expert Staff of the Minister of PUPR for Technology, Industry & Environment, Endra S. Atmawidjaja; Special Staff III of the Minister of BUMN Arya M. Sinulingga, Economic Observer Pieter Abdullah, Head of the Development Administration Bureau of the Aceh Provincial Secretariat T Robby Irza, Chairperson of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Aceh Province Yusria Darma, and a number of other stakeholders.

“Through this FGD, we comprehensively discussed the plan to implement the tariff adjustment and determination. We also received input and suggestions from FGD participants by considering various aspects, especially the interests of toll road users and toll road business entities,” said Adjib.

In the FGD, Syiah Kuala University (USK) Development Economics Lecturer, Muhammad Nasir said that if calculated the current tariff increase is set at 12 percent where the amount is still considered normal.

“The amount of adjustment is still quite tolerable, especially since the Sibanceh Toll Road is still in early operation where operational costs are still high and traffic is still low so it is still within reasonable limits,” Muhammad Nasir said.

In addition, Yusria Darma, Chairperson of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Aceh also said that previously a survey had been conducted by MTI related to the Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) of the Sigli – Banda Aceh Toll Road where 74 percent of respondents were willing to use this toll road. “In terms of WTP, the public still responds positively and enthusiastically to pass on the toll road,” Yusria Darma added.

Minister of Home Affairs: Bustami Resigned Because He Participated in Aceh Pilgub

Minister of Home Affairs Muhammad Tito Karnavian inaugurated Director General of Territorial Administration Safrizal ZA as the new Acting Governor of Aceh, replacing Bustami Hamzah.

The inauguration took place at the Ministry of Home Affairs Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 22, 2024. Attending the inauguration was Wali Nanggroe Aceh, Malik Mahmud al-Haytar.

Tito said Safrizal’s appointment as Acting Governor of Aceh was a decision by Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

“This is the trust given by the President to the new official and is certainly a mandate from God that we must carry out,” Tito said.

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The Minister of Home Affairs said that Safrizal’s inauguration was carried out following Bustami Hamzah’s resignation letter, who will participate as one of the candidates for governor in the regional elections in Aceh.

Tito emphasized that in the near future there are National Sports Week (PON) activities that will be held in Aceh and North Sumatra. Safrizal’s first task is to make the 21st PON event a success.

“I am looking for candidates whose criteria are for Aceh, and most importantly are able to run the implementation of PON. The time is very short, we can imagine that the new official must know Aceh and be able to build good communication with all stakeholders in Aceh,” said Tito.

Tito said Safrizal’s appointment was made because he was considered a person who understood Aceh and understood PON issues.

“He is not a new person who suddenly entered. I am sure he can accelerate unfinished matters such as venue construction. Moreover, PON activities are the biggest event at the end of President Joko Widodo’s term,” he said.

“Honestly, I have no other choice but Mr. Safrizal. He is a son of Aceh who knows all about the conditions of Aceh, and he is also the Director General of Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs who follows the development of PON,” said Tito.

In addition to PON, Tito also advised Safrizal to take care of Pilkada issues, where, the son of Aceh Besar can ensure the implementation of Pilkada in Aceh runs safely and peacefully.

Safe and peaceful elections are things that must be carried out, especially Aceh as an area that has experienced the bitterness of conflict. Amidst the polarization of society, elections divide society and legalize in the name of democracy. this is what needs to be managed, namely that this potential conflict must not explode, “ordered Tito.

Thus, with Safrizal’s experience at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Tito is confident that the implementation of PON and Pilkada in Aceh will run peacefully and successfully.

“I also thank Bustami Hamzah for overseeing the construction of several PON venues,” concluded Tito.

Measuring the Impact of Illiza’s Boycott Hashtag

The heat of politics in Senayan also spread to Aceh. The virtual world was shocked by the emergence of the hashtag #boikotilliza. Will Illiza’s votes in the 2024 Banda Aceh elections fall?

The appearance of a United Development Party (PPP) politician from Aceh, Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal, in the Government Meeting with the House of Representatives regarding the decision-making on the results of the discussion of the Pilkada Bill has drawn criticism.

Public disappointment with the former Mayor of Banda Aceh for the 2014-2017 period is well-founded. She is considered to be more in favor of the party elite’s conspiracy than saving democracy and the people’s voice.

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The reputation that Illiza had built so far in an effort to garner public support to run for the election of the Mayor of Banda Aceh suddenly fell to the nadir. But on the other hand, it cannot be seen as Illiza’s “fault”, she only conveyed the party’s views, not representing herself. But whatever it is, Illiza has been hit.

Public disappointment has spread, Illiza is considered a pro-dynasty and nepotism politician. It is this issue that Illiza’s supporters in Banda Aceh fear will have an impact on the fall of Illiza’s votes in the 2024 elections.

A very basic concern. This is because the contestation in this election, Illiza is faced with a much fiercer rivalry with candidates who are not arbitrary, including Teuku Irwan Djohan, who is supported by the NasDem Party. The fight will be more fierce if NasDem’s efforts to partner Khairul Amal from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) as a companion to Irwan Djohan actually happen.

On the other hand, Aminullah Usman is paired with a Democrat politician who currently serves as Deputy chairman of the Banda Aceh DPRK, Isnaini Husda. Aminullah is the former Mayor of Banda Aceh for the period 2017 – 2022 who defeated the Illiza-Farid pair in the 2017 Pilkada.

In the 2017 Pilkada, Aminullah, who paired with Zainal Arifin, won a landslide victory by pocketing 63,087 valid votes or around 66.5 percent. Meanwhile, Illiza-Farid only received 31,366 votes (33.5 percent).

The wild ball hashtag #boikotilliza until last night was still trending on various social media platforms. Even the Chairperson of the United Aceh Forum, Saiful Mulki, openly expressed his disappointment with Illiza. Illiza’s social media was also invaded with various disappointed comments. Will Illiza be able to restore her image, or will the public’s disappointment cause support for her in the 2024 Banda Aceh elections to sag. We’ll see.

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