BANDA ACEH | ACEH INFO – Irwasda Polda Aceh Kombes Misbahul Munauwar was promoted to Wakapolda Aceh, replacing Brigadier General Armia Fahmi who was appointed in a new position as Sahlisosbud Kapolri.
Meanwhile, the position of Irwasda Polda Aceh will be filled by Kombes Djoko Susilo, who previously served as Irbidjemensdm I Itwil IV Itwasum Polri.
The mutation is as stated in the National Police Chief’s Telegram Letter number: ST/1821/VIII/KEP./2024, signed by the National Police HR Assistant Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
Kombes Misbahul Munauwar Promoted to Deputy Chief of Police of Aceh
Head of Aceh Police Public Relations Kombes Joko Krisdiyanto confirmed the mutation of officials within the Aceh Police. These promotions and mutations are common in the context of organizational needs, career development, tour of duty, and tour of area.
“It is true that Kombes Misbahul Munauwar was promoted to Deputy Chief of Police of Aceh. Meanwhile, Brigadier General Armia Fahmi, the old Deputy Chief of Police of Aceh, was appointed in a new position as Sahlisosbud Kapolri,” Joko said, in his written statement, on Friday, August 23, 2024.
For your information, after being promoted as Deputy Chief of Police of Aceh, Kombes Misbahul Munauwar has also been promoted to a higher rank from Kombes to Brigadier General, through an official ceremony at the Rupatama Building, National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday, August 23, 2024.
Kombes Misbahul Munauwar is an Aceh-blooded police officer. He is a 1991 Akabri graduate or known as Battalion Bhara Daksa, who is also the same age as the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
Four Houses and a Shophouse in Aceh Singkil Burned to the Ground
Four houses and one shop in Lipat Kajang Village, Simpang Kanan Subdistrict, Aceh Singkil District, were burned down on Friday, August 23, 2024, at around 08.30 WIB.
According to Acting Simpang Kanan Sub-District Head Mara Adam Daulay, the fire caused material losses estimated at Rp 800 million. And, there were no casualties in the incident.
He mentioned that the victims of the fire were Zaman Mahdi (owner of a photocopying equipment shop), Johansyah (rental of auction equipment), Ismail (hairdresser), and Syahrudi alias Ciceng (owner of a coffee shop).
Mara said that the exact cause of the fire is still under investigation by the police. The fire was extinguished by the Aceh District fire brigade team at around 10:30 am.
To extinguish the fire, three units of fire trucks were deployed from Simpang Kanan, Gunung Meriah, and Suro fleets.
Agrarian Conflicts Escalate in Aceh Singkil, Transparency of STDB Granting Questioned
The issuance of Cultivation Registration Certificate (STDB) to four farmer groups in Danau Paris District, Aceh Singkil, sparked controversy.
Chairman of DPD-CIC Aceh Singkil, Khairul Amri, questioned the transparency of the STDB granting process, especially regarding the role of the facilitating Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
In the STDB handover event which took place on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, a number of related parties were present, including representatives of the YEL NGO who claimed to be working with the local government.
However, Khairul Amri doubts the real purpose of the NGO’s involvement.
Concerns grew stronger after information emerged that the STDB recipient farmer groups immediately registered to partner with PT Delima Makmur.
In fact, the plantation company still has a number of unresolved issues, such as land conflicts with indigenous peoples and has not fulfilled the obligation to provide 20 percent plasma land according to regulations.
Khairul Amri emphasized that PT Delima Makmur had violated a number of laws and regulations related to plantations.
He explained, referring to the Decree of the Minister of ATR / BPN No. 92 / MEN / ATR / BPN: 92/MEN/ATR/BPN/2021 and a decision letter from the Regional Secretary of Aceh Singkil in 2017, which clearly regulates the company’s obligation to provide plasma land for the surrounding community.
“The obligation of the HGU applicant is to provide 20 percent of plasma land, not to partner,” said Khairul Amri, Friday, August 23, 2024.
As the head of the Prosperous Farmers Group of the HTR program in Biskang Village, Khairul Amri feels that the community has been harmed and their rights neglected. He considered that the local government seemed to favor the company rather than protect the interests of the community.
“We have repeatedly complained, but the government seems not to care,” he said.
The agrarian conflict in Aceh Singkil highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in natural resource management. The community hopes that the local government can take firm steps to resolve this issue and ensure justice for all parties.
Hundreds of Unsam Students Ask DPRK Langsa to Obey the Constitutional Court Decision
Hundreds of Samudra University (Unsam) students attacked the Langsa City People’s Representative Council (DPRK) Office, Friday, August 23, 2024.
Observed, hundreds of students came to DPRK Langsa starting at 14.30. The action received a tight escort from the Langsa Police.
Upon arrival at the council building, student representatives made speeches. On that occasion they demanded that the House of Representatives comply with the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the Pilkada Bill.
The arrival of hundreds of students was welcomed by the Chairman of DPRK Langsa, Maimul Mahdi. After giving speeches, they entered the DPRK Langsa courtroom.
On that occasion, the Unsam Student President gave a petition that was received by the Chairman of the DPRK, Maimul Mahdi.
The following are the contents of the petition, namely, first, condemning all actions of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Government to commit acts of misuse of the Constitution.
Second, urging the DPR RI to revoke the results of the committee meeting regarding the Pilkada Law.
Third, urging the government to be firm in handling online gambling in Langsa City.
Fourth, take firm action against flogging for violations of Islamic law to all levels of society and officials in Langsa City.
Fifth, asking the Acting (Pj) Mayor of Langsa to be neutral in the Langsa City Pilkada.
Sixth, asking the government to follow up on individuals who exploit minors in Langsa City.
Seventh, the finishing mechanism, point (a) coordinates directly with the leadership of the Langsa DPRK, then point (b) makes a video statement of the DPRK Langsa’s attitude regarding the riots and problems that exist in this petition.
The last point (c) is to oversee the completion of the petition or aspirations by the special team of KBM Unsam.
The petition was signed directly by the Chairman of DPM Unsam, Satria Wijaya, then Unsam Student President, Daffa Febrian Fachrozi.
Then, the Action Coordinator, Muhammad Rizky Taufik, Field Coordinator, Muhammad Ikram and the Chairman of DPRK Langsa, Maimul Mahdi.