LHOKSUKON | ACEH INFO – Thousands of residents attended the declaration of the candidate pair (paslon) Regent and Deputy Regent of North Aceh, H. Ismail A Jalil (Ayah Wa) and Tarmizi (Panyang) in the ceremonial field in front of the North Aceh Regent’s Office, Landing, Lhoksukon sub-district, Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
The declaration began at around 14.50 WIB, but since 14.00 WIB the community began to arrive and fill the tent prepared by the committee even though the weather looked cloudy that afternoon.
The declaration event was hosted by Teungku Muharuddin, opened with the recitation of the holy verses of the Qur’an followed by peusijuek (flour bargain) to the Cabup-Cawabup candidate pairs carried out by Teungku H. Muhammad Ali or commonly called Abu Paya Pasi, a charismatic cleric from East Aceh.
In addition to Abu Paya Pasi, the Cabup-Cawabup candidate Ayah Wa-Panyang who was carried by the Aceh Party (PA) was also peusijuek by Teungku H. Sofyan Mahdi (Abon Arongan) and Teungku H. Muzakir (Waled Lapang).
North Aceh Cabup – Cawabup Declaration, Ayah Wa and Panyang Dipeusijuk Abu Paya Pasi
Furthermore, the Chairman of the Declaration Committee, Arafat Ali, said that the Cabup-Cawabup Ayah Wa-Panyang candidate received support from 15 political parties both national and local parties in North Aceh who are members of the North Aceh Bangkit Coalition.
The North Aceh Rise Coalition consists of the Aceh Party, PAS Aceh, SIRA Party, PKB, NasDem Party, PAN, Democratic Party, PKS, Gerindra Party, PNA, PSI, PPP, Golkar Party, PDA and PDI-P.
Then, the declaration event was led by the Chairman of the North Aceh PA DPW, M Jhony SH. In his speech, he said that North Aceh today carved out a new history, the first being that 15 party flags could be together.
“That is a new history in North Aceh, the second is North Aceh, God willing, we will fight the empty box,” he said to the applause of the audience.
Because, all (political parties) are already here, all of us have been together, we have committed that Ayah Wa is the leader of North Aceh for the next five years.
“We can make sure my brothers and sisters, all of us in North Aceh are against the empty box,” he said.
Then, the man who is familiarly called Pang Jhony invited one by one the heads of supporting parties to deliver political speeches in front of thousands of people who attended the declaration.
Also present at the declaration were KPA Pasee Region Chairman Abubakar A Latif (Abu Len) and his staff, Muzakir Manaf’s (Mualem) wife Salmawati and the heads and secretaries of supporting parties and administrators.
After the declaration, supporters escorted the candidate to register at the North Aceh Independent Election Commission (KIP) in Alue Mudem Village, Lhoksukon, which is about 1 kilometer from the declaration location.
PB PON Aceh Region Mentioned Not Inviting Rain Handlers to Harapan Bangsa Stadium
The Acehnese people were shocked by the viral video on social media that showed the
Rara Istiati Wulandari or familiarly called Mbak Rara at Harapan Bangsa Stadium in Lhong Raya, Banda Aceh.
In the 27-second recording, a female figure suspected of being Mbak Rara is seen walking on the edge of the stadium while holding what is thought to be an offering (incense), while bowing her head to the sky.
The recording, which was uploaded to a number of social media accounts, received negative responses from Acehnese netizens.
The Executive Board (PB) PON XXI 2024 Aceh region, regretted the incident which was not in accordance with the Islamic law applied in Aceh.
PB PON Aceh Region also stated that it had never invited or invited the rain handler. Even now his party is coordinating to find out who brought in the rain charmer.
“We from PB PON Aceh agree with the community, very sorry for the incident, of course the existence of rain charmers is contrary to the regulations in Aceh which uphold Islamic law,” said the Head of Ceremony for PB PON Aceh region, Akkar Arafat, Wednesday, August 28, 2024, in Banda Aceh.
LPPM Unsam Moves BHOI Manyak Payed Business Group to Apply Business Management
LPPM Universitas Samudra (Unsam) mobilized the BHOI business group of Manyak Payed District, Aceh Tamiang with the application of business management.
Empowerment of traditional BHOI business groups through business management in Manyak Payed District, Aceh Tamiang Regency is an activity that aims to improve the quality and competitiveness of traditional bhoi business groups in facing modern business challenges.
This activity was held from August 26 to 27, 2024, at the Hall of the Manyak Payed Sub-District Head Office, with an implementation team from LPPM-Universitas Samudra, namely Zulkarnen Mora, Mayang Murni and Bustami.
The event was opened by the Secretary of Manyak Payed Sub-district, Muslim Budiman.
Muslim said, there are two main concepts that must be adhered to by the trainees, so that the business will be successful and BHOI is one of the alternative businesses to make money in Kampung Pahlawan.
Use technology such as cellphones to facilitate business not just for entertainment.
Grow the spirit of this education to add business experience, so that it can produce an increase in family welfare and opinions which can later support children to college.
“My experience in finding a job is difficult. Therefore, take advantage of this rare opportunity to increase knowledge and skills from lecturers or the PKM Team of Universitas Samudra as effectively as possible,” he said.
In practice, this community service aims to provide knowledge and business management skills to the traditional BHOI business group worked by housewives from Kampung Pahlawan.
According to the Sekcam, members of the Matang Gelugur BHOI group realize that their business is currently still running in place. Although, Datok Penghulu Kampung Pahlawan, Rusli, has provided unrelenting moral and material support.
“This aims to improve operational efficiency, financial management, marketing and product development,” he said.
Zulkarnen Mora, accompanied by Bustami, explained that the form of activities to be carried out includes direct training and guidance with traditional BHOI Business Groups in Kampong Pahlawan, Manyak Payed District.
This training covers various aspects of business management, such as strategic planning of product marketing with a branded packaging approach (baranding) and understanding in managing the business finances of the bhoi group.
Zulkarnen continued, this BHOI business is a promising business due to its uniqueness and is certainly different both in taste and appearance from similar products.
Therefore, it is appropriate to give identity in the form of a brand so that this sponge cake will be easily recognized and in demand by consumers both in the real market and in the virtual market.
He emphasized that branding in building an image and added value to traditional BHOI Business Group products is very important. Participants were also trained on effective marketing strategies, including the use of social media, promotion and cooperation with other parties.
“With good branding marketing, it is hoped that traditional BHOI Business Group products can be widely recognized and have high appeal in the market,” said Zulkarnen, to acehinfo.com.
Meanwhile, to support this business to survive, it is also necessary to master how to manage its finances, including mastering the cost of goods sold and BHOI financial management which is recorded in a productive and accountable manner.
“So that members know the ups and downs of their business transactions through the profitability they get at the end of each period,” he added.
On that occasion, Mayang Murni accompanied by Maulana Rahaman, said that the business model that will be applied in this activity is a partnership model. The traditional BHOI Business Group will work together with LPPM-Universitas Samudra in developing their business.
Through this partnership, the business groups will gain access to the knowledge and resources of LPPM-Universitas Samudra, such as research and development, product development and multi-level marketing.
“With this partnership, it is hoped that the traditional BHOI Business Group can develop their business sustainably by increasing market share,” he said again.
He continued, with this activity, it is hoped that the traditional BHOI Business Group in Manyak Payed District can become more independent, competitive and sustainable.
Datok Penghulu Kampung Pahlawan, Rusli, hopes that through increasing business management knowledge and skills, as well as implementing effective business models and marketing branding.
“I hope the traditional BHOI Business Group can face modern business challenges and achieve greater success,” he hoped.