Opening of PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra to be held on September 9, 2024

BANDA ACEH | ACEH INFO – General Secretary of the National Sports Week Committee (PB PON) XXI Aceh Region, Muhammad Nasir Syamaun, convey, that the opening ceremony of PON XXI will be held on Monday, 9 September 2024, at 19.00 WIB at Harapan Bangsa Stadium, Banda Aceh.

Meanwhile, the closing is scheduled to take place on September 20, 2024.

“We have coordinated with various related parties to ensure that all preparations go well. We hope that this event will become a historic momentum for the world of sports in Indonesia, especially in Aceh and North Sumatra,” said Nasir, who is also the Head of the Aceh Youth and Sports Office, Saturday, August 24, 2024.

Opening of PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra to be held on September 9, 2024

This schedule was set based on a letter from the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora) with Number B-PO/8.22.32/MENPORA/VIII/2024, which also expects the presence of President Joko Widodo to officially open this national sports event.

The letter has been copied to various important parties, including the Chairman of the Central KONI, the Chairman of PB/PP Sports Branches, and the Chairman of the PON XXI/2024 Supervisory and Steering Committee (Panwasrah).

M. Nasir added that the opening ceremony will be a major highlight marking the start of the largest inter-provincial competition in Indonesia.

“We want to showcase the best of Aceh, and all Acehnese people are very enthusiastic about welcoming athletes and guests from all over Indonesia,” said M. Nasir.

All parties are expected to adjust their schedules and work together to make the XXI/2024 PON a success, which will also have a positive impact on tourism promotion and investment in Aceh.

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CIC asks government to revoke PT Delima Makmur’s concession license in Aceh Singkil

The Aceh Singkil District Government was asked to revoke the concession license of PT Delima Makmur.

The request was conveyed by the Chairman of DPD Corruption Investigation Committee (CIC) Aceh Singkil, Khairul Amri, Saturday, August 24, 2024.

Amri said, the company is suspected of having violated the provisions in the Ministerial Decree of the ATR BPN since the issuance of a concession permit valid for 2 years from 2021 until now by not realizing plasma plantations for the surrounding community and failing to resolve the land conflict that occurred.

He emphasized that the government should not side with the company and must fight for the rights of the community.

“The government must act decisively in accordance with applicable agrarian laws and regulations,” Amri said.

Amri emphasized that he and CIC DPP Chairman, R. Bambang, plan to urge the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency (ATR / BPN), AHY to intervene to resolve the land conflict between the people of Situban Makmur Village and the prosperous farmer group of Biskang Village and PT Delima Makmur in Aceh Singkil.

Amri also said that the concession permit granted by the Minister of ATR / BPN through Decree No. 92 / MEM / ATR / BPN / 2021 to PT Delima Makmur is suspected to have expired because it does not meet the predetermined requirements.

“I also ask the Police to participate in efforts to eradicate the land mafia that is worsening the situation,” he said.

“We ask the Minister of ATR / BPN to immediately revoke the permit and protect the rights of the community,” added DPP CIC Chairman, R. Bambang Ss. to acehinfo.Com.

Langsa Government Grants More than Rp 3 Billion for Pilkada Supervisors

The Langsa City Government signed a Regional Grant Agreement Script (NPHD) for funds for the implementation of the 2024 regional head elections with the Langsa City Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslih).

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The NPHD worth Rp 3,500,000,000 (Three Billion Five Hundred Million Rupiah) was signed by the Acting Mayor of Langsa, Syaridin and the Chairman of Panwaslih of Langsa city Zulfikar, at the local Kesbangpol Office. Monday, August 26, 2024.

Syaridin said that the grant was to finance the implementation of supervision of the election of mayor and deputy mayor of Langsa in the simultaneous regional elections in 2024.

“The funds granted are in accordance with the details of the cost requirements at Panwaslih Langsa City based on the stages of implementation,” he explained.

Syaridin emphasized, with the implementation of this activity, the Langsa city government has carried out all its responsibilities for everything that must be financed by the Langsa government in order to successfully implement the 2024 Pilkada.

Assistant I for Government, Aceh Privileges and People’s Welfare, Suriyatno, added that the submission of grant funds for Panwaslih Langsa City is an obligation for local governments.

“Grant funds for Pilkada supervisory organizers are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,” said Suriyatno.

Also present were Deputy Chairman I of DPRK Langsa, Saifullah, Chairman of MPU Langsa City, Tgk Salahudin Muhammad, Head of BPKD Langsa City, Khairul Ichsan, Kadis Kominfo Langsa City, Muzammil and other invited guests.

Unsam PE Study Program Lecturer Holds Prtofolio Training at East Aceh High School

Lecturers of the Physical Education Study Program (Penjas) of Universitas Samudra held Portfolio Test Implementation Training in a number of high schools in East Aceh.

The community service activity (KPM) was chaired by Basyarudin Acha accompanied by members Andi Nova, Suri Purnama Febri and Syardiansah, which was held from August 22 to 23, 2024.

Basyarudin, said this activity aims to strengthen the competence of teachers and students in making portfolios or test parts in following the entrance selection of State Universities (PTN), especially the Physical Education Study Program.

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In the activity, teachers and students were trained and taught how to carry out the procedure for making portfolios. The purpose of this PKM is so that teachers and students can make portfolios properly and correctly.

“Making a perfunctory portfolio will result in failing to enter or not passing the selection to enter State Universities,” said Basyarudin, to, Monday, August 26, 2024.

This training is a means of developing the technical abilities of teachers and students in making portfolios for admission to State Universities.

He said, during the training, participants were given various materials which included the stages of implementation, systematic implementation and duration of implementation. Where some of these components are parts that must be implemented accordingly in order to pass the selection to enter PTN.

“With this training, it is hoped that in the future the students who pass the selection can be more improved than before,” he hoped.

A number of high school teachers in East Aceh, M Ichsan or often called Dek Can and Odi and Munawir, expressed their appreciation for this program.

“We are very happy and grateful to be able to work together with Samudra University to hold this excellent training,” he said.

According to him, in this digital era, it is important for all of us to continue to improve our skills, especially those that can support the students’ graduation process.

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