Pj Regent of Aceh Besar Iswanto Appreciates 70 Paskibraka Members

ACEH BESAR | ACEH INFO – Acting Aceh Besar Regent Muhammad Iswanto SSTP MM appreciated the 70 members of the Aceh Besar District Heritage Flag Raising Force (Paskibraka), who successfully carried out the raising and lowering of the Red and White flag in the framework of the peak of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI).According to him, the Paskibraka members have shown high dedication in carrying out their duties at the 79th anniversary commemoration.

“The spirit and discipline they show today is a reflection of the young generation of Aceh who are full of responsibility and patriotism,” said Iswanto, at Bungoeng Jeumpa Field, Jantho City, Saturday (17/8/2024).

Pj Regent of Aceh Besar Iswanto Appreciates 70 Paskibraka Members

In the series of ceremonies, several Paskibraka members held important roles in the ceremony, such as Muhammad Rayyan from Madrasah Aliyah Swasta (MAS) Tgk Chik Oemar Diyan as Commander of Troop 17, while M. Ridha Asyura from SMAN Modal Bangsa acted as Commander of Troop 45.

In addition, another important task, namely carrying the tray, was entrusted to Afni Sarfia from SMAN 2 Pulo Aceh during the raising, and Rajwa Qamira Balqis from Al Falah Islamic High School during the lowering.

The task of unfurling the flag was carried out by Apryan Adla from MAS Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa during the raising, and Muhammad Farid from MAS Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa during the lowering.

Meanwhile, M. Meutuah Elvidia Putra from SMAN Modal Bangsa was trusted as the flag bearer during the raising, and Raja Faiz Yafi Kombih from SMAN Modal Bangsa during the lowering.

Hammam Al Fathan Gunawan from SMAN Modal Bangsa, and Genali Akbar from SMAN 2 Unggul Ali Hasjimy were the flag-bearers during the lowering of the red and white flag.

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Furthermore, the Commander of the ceremony in the raising was carried out by Fadli Saputra, SE, MSI, from Aceh Besar Police, and continued by Commander of Battalion Zeni Tempur C Battalion Zeni Tempur 16/DA Lettu Czi Satria Junaidi during the lowering.

With great solemnity, all ceremony participants, namely Forkopimda Aceh Besar, hundreds of participants of the Aceh Besar 2024 Cultural Camp, and thousands of Aceh Besar people, especially Jantho City, followed and witnessed the procession which took place in an orderly and smooth manner.

“This moment is a great honor for me and my colleagues, to be able to participate in this historic ceremony,” said Muhammad Rayyan. “We have practiced hard. Alhamdulillah, the raising and lowering of the flag met the expectations of all parties,” he said.

Despite Rain, Flag Lowering in Jantho Takes Place in Order

The procession of lowering the red and white flag in commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) at Bungoeng Jeumpa Field, Jantho City, Aceh Besar Regency, went smoothly and orderly even though it rained during its implementation, Saturday (17/8/2024) afternoon.

The flag lowering ceremony was attended by the Acting Regent of Aceh Besar, Muhammad Iswanto SSTP MM, as well as elements of the Aceh Besar Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda), who became the Inspector of the ceremony of the Head of the Aceh Besar District Attorney (Kajari), Basril G SH MH. While the commander of the ceremony, entrusted to Lettu Czi Satria Junaidi, who currently serves as Commander of Zenii Combat C Battalion Zeni Tempur 16/DA. Then, who served as Ceremony Officer was carried out by Lieutenant Ckm Tri Yulian Mailano, Danton Kes Yonzipur 16/DA.

Another important role in this ceremony was also carried out by Ipda Rivan Noveriza S.Psi, Kapolsek Lhoknga, who acted as Commander of the Pusaka Flag Raising Force (Paskibraka). Several Paskibraka members were also entrusted with vital duties. Muhammad Rayyan from Madrasah Aliyah Swasta (MAS) Tgk Chik Oemar Diyan served as Danton 17, while M Ridha Asyura from SMAN Modal Bangsa was entrusted as Danton 45.

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The flag tray which became one of the sacred parts of the ceremony was carried by Rajwa Qamira Balqis from Al Falah Islamic High School. Meanwhile, Muhammad Farid from MAS Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa carried out the task of unfurling the flag. The flag bearer was entrusted to Raja Faiz Yafi Kombih from SMAN Modal Bangsa, and the flag bearer was Genali Akbar from SMAN 2 Unggul Ali Hasjimy.

Pj Regent of Aceh Besar, Muhammad Iswanto SSTP MM, on this occasion appreciated all the ceremony participants and the people who remained enthusiastic about following the procession despite the rain. “The discipline and enthusiasm of the ceremony participants, as well as the support of the people who attended, is a reflection of our love for the homeland,” he said.

The ceremony was also attended by various elements of the Aceh Besar Forkopimda and witnessed solemnly by the local community, especially the residents of Jantho City who remained loyal to follow the event until it was over. Despite the rain, the enthusiasm and sense of nationalism did not fade, signaling the spirit of independence that remains burning in the hearts of the people of Aceh Besar.

Thus, the flag lowering procession at Bungoeng Jeumpa Field became a memorable moment in the series of commemorations of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia in Aceh Besar District, a clear proof that the spirit of patriotism is not faded by the weather and the challenges that exist.

To celebrate the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Indorunners Aceh After SMR Conducts Trash Pickup Action

In commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), a group of Indorunners Aceh running community took action to pick up trash along the Ulee Lheu harbor road to Gampong Pande, Banda Aceh City, Sunday (18/08/2024) morning.

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Fajar Ilham as Captain of Indorunners Aceh said that this garbage collection action was carried out after the Sunday Morning Run (SMR) with the aim of keeping the environment clean and healthy from the garbage scattered along the roadside.
“We carried out this garbage collection action on the initiative of the Aceh Indorunners community in welcoming the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia besides that the location we passed was a stopover for Windsurfing Sports Branch athletes to commemorate the XXI Aceh-North Sumatra PON, of course this provided comfort for the athletes,” concluded Fajar Ilham.

Furthermore, Fajar Ilham also said that this SMR was not only welcoming the independence of the Republic of Indonesia but there were positive things done for the surrounding environment. “This Sunday morning run in welcoming the 79th independence of the Republic of Indonesia, we jointly agreed to reach a distance of 7.9 km starting from the 0 km monument route of Banda Aceh City – Ulee Lheue Harbor – Baiturrahim Ulee Lheue Mosque Roundabout then returned to the 0 Km Monument of Banda Aceh City through the same route,” he said.

Fajar Ilham hopes that people who bring food and sit along the Gampong Pande road to Ulee Lheue Harbor can maintain cleanliness.
“Let us together maintain cleanliness wherever we are, not to litter,” he concluded.

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