ACEH TAMIANG | ACEH INFO – Samudra University (Unsam) lecturers carry out Community Service (PKM) at SMA Negeri 2 Patra Nusa, Manyak Payed District, Aceh Tamiang.
PKM based on the innovation product ‘GREEN GUARD’ provides Ecosense Animation training for teachers in environmental conservation, carried out on August 27, 2024.
Samudra University lecturers as the organizer of the training were Zukya Rona Islami with members Ramdan Afrian and Ayu Suciani. They are academics with expertise in education and have contributed a lot to product-based community service.
Zukya Rona said that the global warming that has recently been felt by the community has made the issue of environmental conservation a hot topic of conversation. Teachers, one of whose duties is to instill noble values, can take a role in instilling a sense of caring for the environment in terms of education.
Development is so fast-paced that it is very difficult to follow even for teachers who teach in the classroom. To facilitate this, Universitas Samudra through its lecturers and students supports the development of teachers in terms of media through PKM activities.
Unsam Lecturer Provides Ecosense Animation Training to High School Teachers 2 Patra Nusa
Meanwhile, said Zukya, the main objective of the training was to provide teachers with an in-depth understanding of the importance of using animated teaching media, in accordance with technological developments in the current independent curriculum.
“The Independent Curriculum provides ample space for teachers to innovate in the learning process,” Zukya told, Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
According to him, one of the best ways to take advantage of this space is to create interesting teaching methods and provide explanations in learning that can enrich students’ learning experiences.
He continued, during the teacher training SMA Negeri 2 Patra Nusa Manyak Payed, a high school known for its commitment to the development of innovation-based education, was given various materials covering innovative and creative teaching media learning techniques.
“This material is focused on how to utilize learning media, such as making animated media, editing, and understanding the teaching process and as teaching materials that can be incorporated into the curriculum,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Ramdan Afrian in his material emphasized how the media can add enthusiasm to the learning process, one of which is creative and innovative teaching methods.
“By utilizing many teaching media, students not only learn about science and skills, but also foster a sense of love and pride for the school with what they learn according to the development of their own school,” he explained.
During this time, we often focus on general and global materials. However, through the training, she hopes that teaching methods can be a very rich and useful resource for learning.
“I was very excited when I gave the material to the participants,” added Ayu Suciani, who was also a presenter at the event.
One of the participants, Ismura Fadilla
said that activities like this are very useful for developing teachers’ abilities in making learning media.
Moreover, she is a geography teacher, ecosense animation will make it easier for her both in delivering the material and in my role in instilling the values of caring for the environment.
Principal of SMAN 2 Patra Nusa, Abdul Haris, welcomed this activity. Ecosense Animation Training for teachers in environmental conservation is not only a means of improving teacher competence.
However, it is also a strategic step in an effort to preserve the development of teaching media and the development of education that is more relevant to the real life of students.
Thus, education in Indonesia is expected to continue to develop, not only in the academic aspect but also in the aspect of teaching media, so as to produce a smart, characterized and cultured young generation.
“In the future, Universitas Samudra and SMA Negeri 2 Patra Nusa Manyak Payed plan to continue strengthening this collaboration, by organizing similar activities that can expand the positive impact of this program,” he concluded.